google-site-verification: google82af41cbbb927c7d.html Grove Creek Family History: RootsTech Registration

Mt. Timpanogos Temple, photo by Rick Satterfield, used with permission

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

RootsTech Registration

RootsTech 2014 Exhibit Hall
RootsTech 2015 registration is now open. There are early bird registration options and ALSO, discount options for family history missionaries and family history consultants. If you a registered consultant you should have received the discount code in the latest newsletter. If you are a family history missionary, check with your leader and they should have the discount code. If you still need help, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you.


Sarah said...

I can't find a discount code in any of my emails! When did you get it?

Rayanne Melick said...
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Rayanne Melick said...


If you will email me I will send you the discount code if you haven't received it already.

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All Rights Reserved.