google-site-verification: google82af41cbbb927c7d.html Grove Creek Family History: The Pinterest Phenomenon

Mt. Timpanogos Temple, photo by Rick Satterfield, used with permission

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Pinterest Phenomenon

Have you been sucked into the Pinterest phenomenon yet? What is Pinterest? It is a virtual pinboard and it is quite the social networking site at the moment. I have looked at it and I'll admit it is fun to see ideas that my mind can't even begin to put together. To say that I am creatively challenged is a huge understatement! However, I do enjoy seeing other people's ideas. On that note, I wondered if there was anything out there having to do with family history and genealogy. Well, that was a dumb question! I searched on both family history and genealogy and came up with tons of stuff! There were ideas for your own family history, pictures of celebs in high school (do we really care?), and lots of pointers to work on your own family! I was pleasantly surprised. Check it out yourself at In the top left hand corner, there is a search bar. Type in family history or genealogy and see what you get! Actually, I have typed in all sorts of family history and genealogy keywords and I am amazed! I think I will create a family history board! My kids might even be tempted to peak! They are both very visual and this might just be the ticket for them! Maybe one day they will see this and say "I know that girl!" That's my mom!
Rayanne circa. 1971!
Another favorite of mine is James Tanner's posts on I enjoy his insightful remarks. He has even tackled the Pinterest world! Read his post about Pinterest here.

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