google-site-verification: google82af41cbbb927c7d.html Grove Creek Family History: Roots Tech Already?

Mt. Timpanogos Temple, photo by Rick Satterfield, used with permission

Friday, October 26, 2012

Roots Tech Already?

The team speaks at RootsTech 2012
 Yep, it's time to register for the 3rd Annual RootsTech Conference! Now, you may be thinking, "I don't live anywhere near Salt Lake City so I won't be able to participate." Well, you may not be able to physically participate, but bookmark because they live streamed the keynote speakers and a few other classes last year. Trust me, you won't want to miss it! Go here to learn all about the next RootsTech Conference!

March 21-23, 2013   
Salt Lake City
Family History and Technology Conference

Go here if you want to watch the RootsTech 2012 videos!

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All Rights Reserved.