google-site-verification: google82af41cbbb927c7d.html Grove Creek Family History: October 2012

Mt. Timpanogos Temple, photo by Rick Satterfield, used with permission

Friday, October 26, 2012

Roots Tech Already?

The team speaks at RootsTech 2012
 Yep, it's time to register for the 3rd Annual RootsTech Conference! Now, you may be thinking, "I don't live anywhere near Salt Lake City so I won't be able to participate." Well, you may not be able to physically participate, but bookmark because they live streamed the keynote speakers and a few other classes last year. Trust me, you won't want to miss it! Go here to learn all about the next RootsTech Conference!

March 21-23, 2013   
Salt Lake City
Family History and Technology Conference

Go here if you want to watch the RootsTech 2012 videos!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Which Family History Software is Best?

How do I keep them all connected and straight in my mind?
 Photo is possession of Rayanne B. Melick
The question is "Which family history software is best for you?" I always tell people that the best family history software for them is the one that is easiest for THEM to use and understand. Never mind what your brother, uncle, sister, mom, cousin, etc. think! You need to spend a little time working it out for yourself! If you want a comparison chart, click this link.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October is Family History Month!

Our precious family bible from the 1830's

Did you know that October is Family History Month? Well, it is! So what are you going to do about that? Click on this link for some great ideas on how to celebrate Family History Month. These ideas come from Genealogy!

If you don't want to do that, come up with some of your own great ideas! Here are some of mine:

1. Create a collage of school pictures for your kids. It reminds them that they were small once!

2. Write a story about your life? Any of your kids starting to date and drive? Write about your   experiences and share it with them.

3. Take a picture of your house. Add memories from this particular house.

4. Pull out a picture of a relative and write what you know about them. Share with those you love.

5. Organize that box of stuff from high school!

6. Call someone special and tell them that you love them.

7. Write about a special honor you received. I will write about the time that I won the "Best Soup" award at a church activity!

My "1st Place Soup" Award

8. Trace your children's hands and feet.

9. Sit down in a family group, pass out sheets of paper with the current month and year at the top, grab a stopwatch and tell everyone that they have one minute to write down everything that they can remember about this month. You could also do this for a year at a time. Share with each other the funnies of the month! DO NOT TELL YOUR GROUP THAT THEY ARE DOING FAMILY HISTORY! The word tends to scare people!

10. Write a letter to someone from your past. Express your appreciation to them for what they contributed in your life.

These are just a few ideas. I'm sure that you can come up with a hundred more on your own!

Copyright 2013 by Rayanne Brunski Melick,
All Rights Reserved.