google-site-verification: google82af41cbbb927c7d.html Grove Creek Family History: February 2014

Mt. Timpanogos Temple, photo by Rick Satterfield, used with permission

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Talking Pictures!

This is another great video from FamilySearch. Can't you just feel the excitement coming from the kids? Let's generate that excitement in our kids! The older I get, the more I realize that I don't want to be forgotten, even if I am a very ordinary person! :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

RootsTech 2014

RootsTech 2014 started out with this video.

It reminded me of this article from the New York Times that I had read a few months ago. Families are important and worth putting in our best efforts.
Copyright 2013 by Rayanne Brunski Melick,
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